Post by Jeff Probst on Mar 25, 2008 15:30:12 GMT -5
This is where Erica will ask her question and make her speech.
Post by Erica Durousseau on Mar 26, 2008 17:53:37 GMT -5
The Fro is here
well, since the beginning of the game we told that an Harahan girl will win this out. It will be obviously the case. BUT.at the beginning if I would have bet for the F2 would be 2 people would be from Harahan. I wouldn't have pronounce your name. And I wouldn't have predict that the 2 Harahan grils would be the ones that backstab the crew.
But luckily, for you both we won enough immunity and you pull out an amazing end.
Amanda: Amanda, what can I say about you ? Or can I even say something? I tough you would be one of my tool, but you were the tool of Morgan. Yeah I will also put the tool thing on the line, because it's the only thing I can say about you
Morgan: I'm not sure what to thing about you. Stab me and Colleen was a good move for you. So I can hate you for this, But it would be only because you made F2 and not me.
My question is easy:
you will post the vote you casted every TC you were at (you can skip the Rita TC nobody care lol, i'm actually interested in the merge) with that you will had your strategic or personnal for that vote.
If the person you voted out wasn't out actually: explain how you recover that lose!
well that's all folks and good luck
Post by Morgan McDevitt on Mar 26, 2008 18:13:22 GMT -5
Okay so lets start with it
First Merge TC: I voted Silas... I heard a few names coming up (Silas, Jessie, Candice). At that point I didn't want to vote out a Harrahan first thing.. and I was still interested in possibly working with Jessie so I voted out Silas hoping it would split the vote with him and Jessie to keep Candice safe.
2nd TC: I voted Jessica... I'll admit... I was kind of hoping that Jessie would leave since she was the bigger threat but I made a promise never to vote her and at this point I was still trying to abide by it.
3rd TC: I voted Patricia... Like I said in my opening statement I believe... In the dream world it woulda been all Harrahan to the end but I knew that wasn't going to happen so I had to be flexible.. she was viewed by alot as not being as active or interested in the game so I went with the majority.
4th TC: I voted Jessie... I really wanted to keep my word and not vote her... At the same time I saw her as a huge threat and wanted her gone.... While talking to her shortly before TC she convinced me that she had flipped some votes to stay and I was worried that by casting a throw away vote I may force the tie and at that time alot of people suspected she had the idol and alot of the people voting her were people she thought she could trust. I didn't want her to stay and think I was one of the people who turned on her so I voted her hoping it would seal her fate as the swing vote. Little did I know it would be unanimous.
5th TC: I voted Colleen.... I knew at this point BJ was trying to turn the game around and get me out. I really thought it was gonna go 5-4 either way and I really wanted to cast a throw away vote but I didn't want to risk leaving this TC if it was preventable so I voted her out thinking it could possibly be the swing vote that saved me.
6th TC: Well this is the TC I thought you were leaving... I promised you I wouldn't vote you Erica.. and I didn't... I cast what I thought was a throw away vote for Stephenie because I felt she was the biggest threat and knew she was most likely leaving in part 2 of the 'immunity hand around' twist anyway.
7th TC: I voted Yau-Man and Erica. This was one of the hardest votes... I knew Me and Amanda had to make our move now to either stick with Brook and hope for an all Louisiana finish.. or Erica and go for an all Harrahan ending. Ultimatly I decided Amanda and I should get rid of Erica because of selfish reasons. I truly believed if I got to the end with Rob/Amanda/Brook all 3 would take me F2 with them. I felt you Erica, would of taken Amanda over me. The vote for Yau was simply just he was the only other remaining person left outside of Me/Rob/Amanda/Brooks alliance. Also the fact that both Rob and Brook gave me tokens pretty much ended any chance of me voting either out at that round.
F4 TC: I didn't vote... I asked the host a question about the Flare and how exactly it would work depending on a certain voting scenario.. and I never got my answer until after the TC results were posted. I honestly was going back and forth on how to vote... but I think in the end I would of stuck with Amanda and casted my votes to go F2 with her.
I felt I owed Brook F2... but at the same time... I kept having flash backs to him telling me 'You gotta vote what's best for you... not what is the right thing to do' when I voted Jessie and you out.. and in terms of playing the best game and taking best candidate F2... I feel Amanda would of been my best shot.
Post by Amanda Kimmel on Mar 27, 2008 15:49:32 GMT -5
Hi Erica!!! Im nobodys tool..just wanted to say that.
Listed in order: In order
Silias cus he was a threat everyone knew that so why not?!
Jessie cus trying to throw her under the bus
Patricia i liked her but she had it coming for a blindeside to make other think the orginal Haraah Tribe was falling apart
Jessie again pay back is a btich dont ever call what we had a fake allaince that pissed me off
Coleen omg u was the cooest but im so sorry bout this but u was abig threat and i thought u had a idol or 2
Erica but she she has the amulet i thought it be a disadvatage to me
Yau-Man Chan & Rob Cesternino cus yau is a threat and rob hardly talked to me (I also Promised u onmy word i wasnt goonna vote you at this tribal Erica and i kept my word)
last vote was Brook!!!!! cus i know he was close to rob! and migth ahve a flaire and try and takhim out
Post by Erica Durousseau on Mar 27, 2008 17:51:58 GMT -5
thanks girl
Amanda on the next answer try to be understandable. I had to read you three times to understand fully what you had to say.
Post by Jessie Camacho on Mar 28, 2008 15:46:02 GMT -5
Jessie cus trying to throw her under the bus Jessie again pay back is a btich dont ever call what we had a fake allaince that pissed me off Amanda, you really shouldnt say this...you had my vote 100% but now...now my vote is in favour for Morgan :-\
Post by Amanda Kimmel on Mar 28, 2008 15:50:11 GMT -5
Amanda, you really shouldnt say this...you had my vote 100% but now...now my vote is in favour for Morgan :-\[/quote]
oh jessie i luv u !
Post by Jessie Camacho on Mar 28, 2008 15:53:16 GMT -5
Amanda, you really shouldnt say this...you had my vote 100% but now...now my vote is in favour for Morgan :-\[/quote] oh jessie i luv u ![/quote] Thats not going to help Amanda.
Post by Amanda Kimmel on Mar 28, 2008 15:55:37 GMT -5
i am not gonna try to suck up to u
Post by Jessie Camacho on Mar 28, 2008 15:57:21 GMT -5
i am not gonna try to suck up to u I never said you where.
Post by Amanda Kimmel on Mar 28, 2008 15:58:55 GMT -5
why r u making this bakc and forth between u and i jessie
Post by Jessie Camacho on Mar 28, 2008 16:01:58 GMT -5
why r u making this bakc and forth between u and i jessie Because you kept on anwsering my post's.
Post by Amanda Kimmel on Mar 28, 2008 16:04:51 GMT -5
i feelliek ur atatcking me now
Post by Brook Geraghty on Mar 28, 2008 18:54:17 GMT -5
Ummm... Amanda, how could you have voted for me in the last tribal council if the vote was 2-1 and Rob didn't self-vote?
Post by Morgan McDevitt on Mar 29, 2008 3:52:03 GMT -5
Rob did self vote Brook
You voted Rob....
Amanda voted You
Me/Rob self voted